Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI)

Programa Bilateral Hispano-Egipcio de Cooperación Tecnológica - Novena convocatoria entre Egipto y España bajo el programa ESITIP

Objeto del programa

This Call for proposals is open to collaborative R&D projects in the following areas/sectors:  

  • Agriculture and Sustainable Food Production
  • Sustainable water management
  • Affordable & Inclusive Healthcare
  • Renewable Energy
  • Environment sector
  • Construction
  • Transportation sector
  • Tourism and Antiquities sector
  • Strategic Industries sector  

Beneficiarios de la ayuda

  • Eligible Spanish Applicants: Spanish consortia should include at least one company. Participation of research institutes/universities and other organizations is welcome as self-funded participants or subcontractors.
  • Eligible Egyptian Applicants: Eligible Egyptian consortia should include a partner (the Egyptian applicant) who is a Ph.D. holder, affiliated to an Egyptian University or research Institution. Collaboration with other entities such as companies, governmental partners, other research centres, technological centres, universities, and other R&D-performing organisations is permitted under STDF’s regulations. 

Plazo de solicitud

30th of April 2025

Más información

CDTI - Programa Bilateral Hispano-Egipcio de Cooperación Tecnológica - Convocatorias (9th Egyptian-Spanish joint call for R&D&I IN IT Projects  2025)

NdP: El CDTI Innovación anuncia la apertura de la 9ª Convocatoria España-Egipto para proyectos bilaterales de I+D

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